Croeso i'n hadnodd canllaw ar gyfer Arfarnwyr sy'n cynnal arfarniadau rhithwir.
Ar ôl defnyddio cyfarfodydd rhithwir, gwerthusodd yr RSU yr arfarniadau meddygol rhithwir o ran derbynioldeb, profiad ac ansawdd yr allbynnau. Argymhellodd y gwerthusiad fod arfarniadau rhithwir yn parhau i fod yn opsiwn sydd ar gael ar gyfer arfarniad yn seiliedig ar gydsyniad y sawl sy’n cael ei arfarnu a’r Arfarnwr. Mae'r sefyllfa hon bellach wedi'i chymeradwyo gan Grŵp Goruchwylio Ailddilysu Cymru y mae Prif Swyddog Meddygol Cymru yn Gadeirydd arno.
Mae'r adnodd hwn wedi'i gynllunio i'ch arwain trwy arfer gorau wrth gynnal y mathau hyn o arfarniadau.
Gobeithiwn y bydd hyn yn addysgiadol ac yn ddefnyddiol i chi wrth ddeall y pynciau canlynol:
- Beth yw arfarniad rhithwir
- Pa lwyfannau/meddalwedd a argymhellir a sut i gael mynediad at sesiynau tiwtorial ar gyfer y rhain
- Sut i baratoi'n effeithiol ar gyfer arfarniad rhithwir
- Sut i gynnal arfarniad rhithwir yn effeithiol
Rheolir yr adnodd hwn gan yr Uned Cymorth Ailddilysu o fewn Addysg a Gwella Iechyd Cymru ac fe’i datblygwyd yn wreiddiol ym mis Awst 2020. Mae’r cyfranwyr yn cynnwys Roger Morris, Cydlynydd Arfarnu Meddygon Teulu Caerdydd, Esther Youd, Arfarnwr Cwm Taf Morgannwg, Katie Leighton a Miriam Davies RSU.
Mae adolygiad wedi’i gynnal ers hynny, a chafodd y modiwl ei ddiweddaru ym mis Mawrth 2022.
Beth yw arfarniad rhithwir?
O ran yr adnodd hwn rydym yn diffinio arfarniad rhithwir fel cyfarfod arfarnu sy'n digwydd dros lwyfan neu feddalwedd rhithwir, e.e Teams, ac nad yw'n cael ei gynnal mewn amgylchedd wyneb yn wyneb.
Mae canllawiau'r GMC ar Gynnal arfarniad ymarfer cyfan blynyddol yn nodi:
Eich cyfrifoldeb chi yw cael arfarniad blynyddol sydd:
yn cael ei wneud gyda’r arfarnwr a’r sawl sy’n cael ei arfarnu yn yr un ystafell, neu drwy gyswllt fideo, fel bod y naill yn weladwy i’r llall
Mae ystod eang o lwyfannau cyfarfod rhithwir a meddalwedd ar gael, ac efallai y bydd llawer o bobl bellach yn gyfarwydd â nhw. Bydd yr adnodd hwn yn rhoi arweiniad ar wahanol lwyfannau yn yr adrannau pellach.
Pwy all gael arfarniad rhithwir?
Mae arfarniad rhithwir yn opsiwn sydd ar gael ar gyfer arfarniad yn seiliedig ar gytundeb rhwng y person sy’n cael eu harfarnu ac yr Arfarnwr.
Beth yw manteision cael arfarniad rhithwir?
Os na ellir cyflawni arfarniad wyneb yn wyneb, mae arfarniad rhithwir yn ateb hygyrch a chynaliadwy sy'n caniatáu i'r meddyg gymryd rhan yn y broses arfarnu. Mae rhai o fanteision cael arfarniad rhithwir yn cynnwys:
- Dim pwysau wrth archebu ystafell neu ddod o hyd i le parcio
- Gallu cael arfarniad mewn amgylchedd cyfarwydd (ar gyfer yr arfarnwr a’r person sy’n cael eu harfarnu)
- Yn lleihau amser teithio
- Yn lleihau'r ôl troed carbon
- Mwy o amrywiaeth o ddyddiadau ac amseroedd arfarnu (gan ganiatáu ar gyfer mwy o hyblygrwydd i’r arfarnwr a’r gwerthusai)
- Gellir aildrefnu'r cyfarfod yn gyflym
What platforms/software are recommended for virtual appraisals?
It is likely that doctors will have access to a range of different devices, platforms and/or software to undertake a virtual meeting. This resource refers to recommendations’, which are deemed as being best practice, however in individual circumstances there may need to be a greater degree of flexibility.
These are our key overarching recommendations for appraisal meetings:
- Use a computer/laptop or tablet rather than a mobile phone
- Use a platform or software that you familiar with – this will of course need to be agreed with your appraisee
- Appraisals should not be undertaken by telephone call, as the GMC guidance states each party must be visible to each other
- Ensure that you maintain GDPR standards by not using a public internet network and deleting any appraisal information from shared computers
- Ensure that you include a comment in the Professional Context box of the appraisal summary that this meeting was undertaken virtually. This enables the RO to see this appraisal was undertaken virtually
Platforms and software to use is very much a personal choice and will come down to which ones you and your appraisee have access to. Currently NHS Wales guidance doesn’t prohibit any specific platforms or software from being used, these are good practice recommendations:
If using an NHS computer or laptop:
- It is recommended to use Microsoft Teams
- Other platforms or software may be used but check their privacy policy to ensure they meet GDPR standards
- If unsure please liaise with your employing organisation’s IT department. In the case of GP Appraisers please contact the
If using a personal computer, laptop or other device:
- Use whichever platform or software you feel most comfortable with
- If possible use systems which allow you to set a password for the meeting as an added security measure i.e. Zoom allows passwords to be set up to minimise the risk of others gaining access to a private meeting
- Check their privacy policy to ensure they meet GDPR standards
It is important to be aware of any restrictions a platform or software may have, for example the free version of Zoom only allows meetings of up to 40 minutes, to have unlimited time in meetings there is a charge.
It would be pragmatic to decide on a primary platform/software to use for the appraisal but to also have a backup option in mind should the technology fail i.e. appraisal meeting set up on Microsoft Teams but if that fails the meeting can continue on Facetime.
There is a wealth of guidance available online for different virtual meeting platforms and software, the links and videos below are just a small sample focussed on how to get started with using them. Further guidance on additional functionality of each one can be found on those pages in different sections.
Functionality you may wish to utilise, and most platforms do have the capability, is to share your screen with those you are meeting with. This can be very useful to enable you and the appraisee to see a document or web page you are looking at, and agree any comments being written or to confirm which entry to discuss. We do advise that you only use the share screen facility for short periods though and return to face to face virtual interaction when the necessary areas have been discussed/agreed. Guidance links have been included for screen sharing tutorials on each platform/software.
Platforms used predominantly on mobile devices such as WhatsApp, FaceTime and Google Duo do not appear to have screen sharing functionality.
Microsoft Teams:
To share a screen:
To share a screen:
WhatsApp call:
Google Duo:
What to consider when preparing for a virtual appraisal
- You should agree with the doctor being appraised which technology platform will be used and check it is available for both of you.
- It may be useful to arrange a time in advance of the appraisal to try out the technology and allow time to iron out any technical difficulties.
- Ensure you have good connection and internet speed to ensure video conferencing can be used without interruption.
- A computer or laptop is preferred – a phone screen will be too small to facilitate good body language communication.
- Use of two screens may be helpful to allow you to view MARS and the other person.
- If using a laptop, ensure your device has plenty of battery charge ahead of the appraisal meeting, or can be connected to a mains supply.
- Send out a meeting invitation several days before including any password and other joining instructions.
Building a rapport and establishing the meeting expectations:
- Discuss with the doctor how the meeting will run, setting out the expectations, for example how long it will take. This is an opportunity to begin to build rapport.
- Agree a back-up plan if there are technical difficulties on the day. You may want to exchange telephone numbers to trouble shoot.
- Inform the doctor being appraised that all evidence will need to be photographed or scanned and uploaded into MARS as there will not be the opportunity to view paper records.
Tips for running a successful virtual appraisal meeting
- Make sure you’re familiar with the IT, see previous section
- Arrange a mutually convenient time with the appraisee
- Several days before the virtual meeting send out the date, time, and invite; including the dial in code and password
- Have their mobile number, and your phone accessible – just in case the IT fails
Set-up :
- Start setting up about 15 minutes before the start time to allow for set up and last minute glitches. Adjust the light, preferably do not have a bright window behind you which will put your face in darkness. Ensure your face is appropriately positioned in the middle of the screen
- Some appraisers have done a brief test run with the appraisee a few days before, to check the IT works
- Uninterrupted time and space. Have a quick look at your background to make sure it’s not too distracting
- Dress appropriately, at least the visible bits of you!
The virtual appraisal discussion :
- Be aware that the meeting may not flow as naturally as a face to face meeting and that there may be minor technical difficulties which can usually be overcome.
- Start the meeting with an introduction, welcome and a general chat to break the ice and test the IT, audio etc. “I can see and hear you okay, can you see and hear me?” This may be the time to advise about camera position, volume etc.
- Try and look into the camera rather than into the face on the screen.
- Run the appraisal as you would do in a face to face meeting, but be prepared for, and accept that there may be times when you need to step outside of the appraisal conversation to conduct “repair or technical talk”. This may be to ask the doctor to repeat something or adjust their camera or microphone; this shouldn’t cause too much disruption and the conversation can quickly get back on track. Summarising can be useful in these situations.
- Mention to the appraisee that you will be making notes and looking at your notes – so you don’t look as if you’re distracted.
- Some natural body language cues can be missed in a virtual meeting so try and pay extra attention to visual and audio cues. Sometimes the “pacing cues” we use in face to face conversation, for example “aha”, “yep”, “ok” can come across as an interruption due to the slight time lag. So be careful not to use them too often. Perhaps use facial expressions more to show you’re paying attention, smiling, nodding etc.
- If you need to interrupt try putting your hand up to indicate you’d like to say something
- Conclude the appraisal discussion in your usual way and thank the Dr for their patience and perhaps ask for feedback on the virtual appraisal
- Following the appraisal discussion, when writing the appraisal summary ensure that you have highlighted this appraisal was undertaken virtually in the Professional Context box of the summary
Recording the Virtual Appraisal on MARS
Following the appraisal discussion, when marking the appraisal as ‘meeting complete’ on MARS, you now have the option to indicate that it was a virtual appraisal and what platform/software was used.
Instructions to record the Virtual Appraisal on MARS
You will be prompted to record if your appraisal was a virtual one, when you mark the ‘Meeting Complete’ box.
This will then open a pop up box asking you to confirm the meeting date.
You need to confirm if the appraisal was conducted virtually. If you select yes then you need to choose which application package you used.
This information is carried over onto the Doctor’s appraisal summary.
We hope that this resource has been useful in highlighting best practice for undertaking virtual appraisals. If you have any further queries, please contact your local appraisal and revalidation team or the RSU for advice.
This resource is managed by the Revalidation Support Unit (RSU) within Health Education Improvement Wales and originally developed in August 2020. The contributors include Roger Morris, GP Appraisal Co-ordinator Cardiff, Esther Youd, Appraiser Cwm Taf Morgannwg, Katie Leighton and Miriam Davies RSU.
Module created August 2020 - Reviewed March 2022
A review has since been undertaken, and the module was updated in March 2022.