A medical Appraiser is a usually a licensed doctor, however it may be more appropriate for an Appraiser to be from a non-medical background, for example if a doctor has a senior management role.
It is most important that an Appraiser has undertaken the relevant training and understands appraisal and revalidation principles. It is an important professional role and the cornerstone of the appraisal system.
Medical Appraisers, through their training, develop an appropriate set of skills to ensure that appraisal is a positive process, driving quality improvement through the motivation and development of the individual doctor.
Appraiser standards have been developed in Wales to highlight the core elements any Appraiser competencies framework should include, to ensure Appraisers have the appropriate skills for the role:
- Professional responsibility – to maintain credibility as a medical Appraiser.
- Knowledge and understanding – to understand the role and purpose of the medical Appraiser and to be able to undertake effective appraisals
- Professional judgement – to analyse and synthesise information presented at appraisal and to judge engagement and progress towards revalidation
- Communication skills – to facilitate an effective appraisal discussion, produce good quality outputs and deal with any issues or concerns that might arise
- Organisational skills – to ensure the smooth running of the appraisal system, including timely responses and effective computer skills
Appraiser Standards Competency Framework for Medical Appraisers